From Homeland Flavors to New Horizons: Mina’s Inspiring Tale

Welcome to “Rice or Bread” – Where Authentic Chinese Flavors Meet Global Adventures!

Hello, I’m Mina, your culinary explorer.

Originally from Northeast China, my culinary journey is rich with the flavors of my homeland. After completing university and spending four years in Beijing, my adventures took me to Singapore and then the Netherlands. The COVID era brought a significant change, and I left my career as a project manager to start a new chapter in Northern Portugal with my beloved husband and our two lovely daughters.

As an expatriate in Europe, I discovered the remarkable contrast between authentic Chinese dishes and what’s commonly found in European restaurants. My European friends are very curious and often ask me questions about Authentic Chinese food, it inspired me to create the website “Rice or Bread” .

rice or bread Mina

The name ‘Rice or Bread’ symbolizes the fusion of two worlds, where in the Western world, people enjoy bread daily, and in Asia, rice is the staple. I would love to share the treasures of traditional Chinese recipes and the culinary wisdom I’ve gathered during my travels, while providing Western recipes to Asian readers, offering a diverse array of choices to both sides of the globe.

I’m thrilled to open my kitchen door and share my recipes and my passion for cooking with you. I’m here to help you discover dishes that not only tantalize your taste buds but also transport you to the vibrant flavors of China you’ve always dreamed of. Let’s embark on this delicious journey together!

Mina Zhang